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Section: Research Program

Axis 2: Bio-physical modeling for personalized therapies

In this axis, we investigate locoregional therapies such as radiotherapy, irreversible electroporation. Electroporation consists in increasing the membrane permeability of cells by the delivery of high voltage pulses. This non-thermal phenomenon can be transient (reversible) or irreversible (IRE). IRE or electro-chemotherapy – which is a combination of reversible electroporation with a cytotoxic drug – are essential tools for the treatment of a metastatic disease. Numerical modeling of these therapies is a clear scientific challenge. Clinical applications of the modeling are the main target, which thus drives the scientific approach, even though theoretical studies in order to improve the knowledge of the biological phenomena, in particular for electroporation, should also be addressed. However, this subject is quite wide and we focus on two particular approaches: some aspects of radiotherapies and electro-chemotherapy. This choice is motivated partly by pragmatic reasons: we already have collaborations with physicians on these therapies. Other treatments could be probably treated with the same approach, but we do not plan to work on this subject on a medium term.